Can I drop off my child before 8am? Unfortunately, we aren't able to accommodate early drop-off at this time.
Is there flexibility in the days my child attends? (For example, can we register for school Mon / Wed / Fri?) Yes! We offer 3, 4 & 5-day schedules, and the days of the week are up to you. However, if your child is in Pre-K, we recommend coming to school no less than 4 days (M-Th) due to the curriculum.
I have an almost 2-year-old, can you make an exception? Unfortunately, we are not licensed to care for children younger than 2. But as soon as their birthday comes around, let's get them registered!
Do all classes have nap time? Yes, each class has nap time for about 2 hours after lunch. If your child struggles with napping, don't worry - they can rest and do quiet activities during this time.
Do you provide meals? We provide a nutritious morning snack, and parents provide lunches. If your child is in After Care (3-4pm), please pack an afternoon snack as well.
What do we need to bring? We ask parents to provide a crib sheet, blanket, healthy lunch, reusable water bottle, and a change of clothing. We will send sheets & blankets home every Friday for washing. Optional: You can also send a stuffed animal for nap time.
Does my child need to be potty trained? If your little one is in our 2's Class - no potty training required! We welcome kiddos in diapers, and our teachers are ready to help you tackle potty training when you're ready. If your little one is joining the 3's Class, 4's Class, or Pre-K Program, yes - potty training is mandatory. (With that said, please reach out to our Director if you have concerns about your child's developmental readiness. We're happy to work with you on a unique plan for your child.) Have more questions? Click here to contact us.